When implementing the same group genetic information, repeatability occurs. With sufficient repeatability, the feature becomes effective and selection for that feature at an early age or under any conditions. In the article considered and analyzed the high lactation of seventeen pairs "mother-daughter" mares Novoaleksandrovsky draft breed. The repeatability factor (rw) was within 0.65... 0.68. The repeatability of the milk yield ranged from 0.04 to 0.69 in mothers; in daughters from 0.02 to 0.66. In mother-daughter pairs by milk yield and lactation: relatively high coefficient of heredity (h2 = 0.74) and high coefficient of repeatability (rw = 0.91). Taking into account the established coefficients of heredity and repeatability, the productivity of stud of the Novoaleksandrovsky draft breed of the studied population is largely due to genetic factors, makes it effective to select animals according to their own productivity.