Background/Aim: In a previous study we analyzed poliomyelitis incidence in US states, before the introduction of the polio vaccine. We noted an inverse correlation between polio incidence in US states, between 1937 and 1951, and colorectal cancer incidence (2005-2009). To further elucidate the role that poliovirus could play in colorectal cancer, the full human genome for poliovirus sequences was analyzed using the UCSC Genome Browser. Materials and Methods: BLAT, the Blast-Like Alignment Tool of the UCSC Genome Browser, was used to compare the poliovirus genome to the human genome. Results: BLAT revealed three poliovirus sequences in three chromosomes: Chromosome 20p12.1 (MACROD2 gene), chromosome 1p13.3 (SLC25A24 gene), and chromosome 2p25.1. Conclusion: Poliovirus sequences in the human genome may contribute to programmed cell death and lysis of colorectal cancer cells. A recombinant poliovirus, incapable of reverting to neurovirulence, might be given orally at intervals as a colorectal cancer vaccine to prevent colorectal cancer.