Se estima que el 85% de los insumos químicos usados por las industrias de curtiembres europeas para producir 1000 kg de cuero crudo se vierten a los afluentes de recurso hídrico en forma de contaminantes, entre ellos el Cromo VI (Cr (VI))
In order to produce 1000 kg of leather, it is estimated of 85% of chemical input, used by European tanning plants, is discharged as contaminant. Among of them, Cr (VI), this is a toxic compound of easy adsorption. In that sense, the present work is focused on the removal of Cr (VI) in synthetic solution prepared from Cr (VI) estimated concentration found in wastewater sample discharged by tanning industries (Cr (VI): 32,6 mg/kg). Thus, five filters packed with orange (Citrus sinensis) and plantain (Musa AAB) peels were used in laboratory scale
PALABRAS CLAVE:Biofiltro, Cromo VI, Cáscaras de plátano (Musa AAB) y naranja (Citrus sinensis), Metales pesados.