The problem that arises in the Cox model is that there are more than two types of covariates and the presence of random effects is a non-proportional hazard (NPH). One example of a case that involves many factors is student retention. Low student retention can lead to dropping out of college or failure in completing studies. The purpose of this study is to overcome the problem of NPH caused by the presenceof time-independent covariates, time-dependent covariates, and random effects. The research method uses simulation. Some of the modified models are the stratified Cox model, the extended Cox model, and the frailty model. The developed model is applied to distance education student retention data. The results of the study show that frailty and study programs provide considerable diversity in explaining thetotal diversity of the model. It can be concluded that frailty needs to be considered by UT to improve the quality of services to students. In addition, other covariates that have a significant effect on UT student learning retention modeling are age, domicile, gender, GPA, marital status, employment status, number of credits taken, and number of registered courses.