Facial beauty prediction (FBP) has become an emerging area in the field of artificial intelligence. However, the lacks of data and accurate face representation hinder the development of FBP. Multi-task transfer learning can effectively avoid over-fitting, and utilize auxiliary information of related tasks to optimize the main task. In this paper, we present a network named Multi-input Multi-task Beauty Network (2M BeautyNet) and use transfer learning to predict facial beauty. In the experiment, beauty prediction is the main task, and gender recognition is the auxiliary. For multi-task training, we employ multitask loss weights automatic learning strategy to improve the performance of FBP. Finally, we replace the softmax classifier with a random forest. We conduct experiments on the Large Scale Facial Beauty Database (LSFBD) and SCUT-FBP5500 database. Results show that our method has achieved good results on LSFBD, the accuracy of FBP is up to 68.23%. Our 2M BeautyNet structure is suitable for multiple inputs of different databases. INDEX TERMS Facial beauty prediction, multi-task transfer learning, multi-input multi-output network, multi-task loss weight automatic learning strategy.