The relation between nanoscale structure, local atomic order and magnetic properties of (FeCoZr) x (CaF 2) 100Àx (29 x 73 at. %) granular films is studied as a function of metal/insulator fraction ratio. The films of a thickness of 1-6 lm were deposited on Al-foils and glass-ceramic substrates, by ion sputtering of targets of different metal/insulator contents. Structural characterization with X-ray and electron diffraction as well as transmission electron microscopy revealed that the films are composed of isolated nanocrystalline bcc a-FeCo(Zr) alloy and insulating fcc CaF 2 matrix. They grow in a columnar structure, where elongated metallic nanograins are arranged on top of each other within the columns almost normal to the substrate surface. M€ ossbauer spectroscopy and magnetometry results indicate that their easy magnetization axes are oriented at an angle of 65-74 to the surface in films with x between 46 and 74, above the electrical percolation threshold, which is attributed to the growth-induced shape anisotropy. Interatomic distances characteristic for metallic state of a-FeCo(Zr) nanograins were revealed by X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy. The results show a lack of surface oxidation of the alloy nanograins, so the growth-induced orientation of nanograins in the films cannot be attributed to this effect. The study is among the first to report a growth-induced non-planar magnetic anisotropy in metal/insulator granular films above the percolation threshold and to reveal the origin of it. V