Depression is a multifactorial illness and genetic factors play a role in its etiology. The understanding of its physiopathology relies on the availability of experimental models potentially mimicking the disease. Here we describe a model built up by selective breeding of mice with strikingly different responses in the tail suspension test, a stress paradigm aimed at screening potential antidepressants. Indeed, ''helpless'' mice are essentially immobile in the tail suspension test, as well as the Porsolt forced-swim test, and they show reduced consumption of a palatable 2% sucrose solution. In addition, helpless mice exhibit sleep-wakefulness alterations resembling those classically observed in depressed patients, notably a lighter and more fragmented sleep, with an increased pressure of rapid eye movement sleep. Compared with ''nonhelpless'' mice, they display higher basal seric corticosterone levels and lower serotonin metabolism index in the hippocampus. Remarkably, serotonin 1A autoreceptor stimulation induces larger hypothermia and inhibition of serotoninergic neuronal firing in the nucleus raphe dorsalis in helpless than in nonhelpless mice. Thus, helpless mice exhibit a decrease in serotoninergic tone, which evokes that associated with endogenous depression in humans. Finally, both the behavioral impairments and the serotoninergic dysfunction can be improved by chronic treatment with the antidepressant fluoxetine. The helpless line of mice may provide an opportunity to approach genes influencing susceptibility to depression and to investigate neurophysiological and neurochemical substrates underlying antidepressant effects.T he prevalence of depression worldwide is such that this disorder represents a major health problem. It is estimated, for example, that Ϸ10% of men and 20% of women in Western Europe will suffer from a major depressive episode at some time in their life. The monoamine hypothesis of depression suggests that one of the biological bases of affective disorders is a deficiency in the neurotransmitter serotonin (5-HT). During the past 40 yr, this hypothesis has been refined, as more experimental and clinical evidence has emerged. The selective 5-HT reuptake inhibitors, in particular, allowed important progress in our understanding of the role of 5-HT in depression. To some extent, the mechanism of action of 5-HT reuptake inhibitors, which are the most widely prescribed antidepressant drugs today, can be anticipated from our knowledge of the anatomy and chemistry of the central serotoninergic system. However, it must be accepted that extensive investigations have so far failed to find convincing evidence of a primary dysfunction of the serotoninergic system in patients with depression. Disturbances of sleep are typical for most depressed patients and belong to the core symptoms of the disorder. Polysomnographic sleep research has demonstrated that, besides disturbances of sleep continuity, depression is associated with a reduction of slow-wave sleep and a shortening of rapid eye movement (REM...