Abstract.In an x-ray preionised XeF(B~X) dischargeexcited laser driven by a magnetic-spiker sustainer circuit with a magnetic pulse compressor the influence of the various parameters on the optical pulse duration was experimentally investigated. Laser pulses at 2= 351 nm with a duration of 212 ns (FWHM) have been achieved in a NF3/Xe/Ne mixture by using very low (0.25 mbar) NF3 partial pressures in a total gas pressure of 2.5 bar and with a high-reflecting output coupling mirror. 42.55.Gp; 42.60.By; 52.80 In recent years long optical pulse discharge excited excimer lasers became of practical and scientific interest. The low peak power associated with long-pulse operation permits greater laser energy transfer through fused silica fibers, making these lasers attractive sources for medical applications. In addition, the increased number of cavity round-trips times provided by long-pulse operation permits the control of the laser divergence, line width, polarisation, and level of amplified spontaneous emission. There are a number of factors such as the electrical circuit, halogen concentration, total pressure, output coupling mirror transmission and electrical energy deposition which influence the rare-gas halide laserpulse duration. Recently, the use of magnetic-spiker sustainer excitation circuits for XeC1 rare-gas halide lasers has resulted in a higher efficiency, longer optical pulse durations and higher beam quality compared to conventional electrical discharge excitation circuits [1][2][3].
PACS:The magnetic-spiker sustainer technology also has been used to achieve long optical pulse KrF (170 ns) [1] and KrC1 (185 ns) [4] laser operation. Spiker-sustainer circuits [5] comprise of two electrical circuits. A highimpedance, high-voltage spiker circuit and a low impedance sustainer circuit which deposits the main part of