We report a previously undescribed spectroscopic probe that makes use of electrons rescattered during the process of highorder harmonic generation. We excite coherent vibrations in SF 6 using impulsive stimulated Raman scattering with a short laser pulse. A second, more intense laser pulse generates high-order harmonics of the fundamental laser, at wavelengths of Ϸ20 -50 nm. The high-order harmonic yield is observed to oscillate, at frequencies corresponding to all of the Raman-active modes of SF6, with an asymmetric mode most visible. The data also show evidence of relaxation dynamics after impulsive excitation of the molecule. Theoretical modeling indicates that the high harmonic yield should be modulated by both Raman and infrared-active vibrational modes. Our results indicate that high harmonic generation is a very sensitive probe of vibrational dynamics and may yield more information simultaneously than conventional ultrafast spectroscopic techniques. Because the de Broglie wavelength of the recolliding electron is on the order of interatomic distances, i.e., Ϸ1.5 Å, small changes in the shape of the molecule lead to large changes in the high harmonic yield. This work therefore demonstrates a previously undescribed spectroscopic technique for probing ultrafast internal dynamics in molecules and, in particular, on the chemically important ground-state potential surface.spectroscopy ͉ ultrafast ͉ x-rays T he use of ultrafast light pulses to visualize chemical dynamics has advanced our fundamental understanding of chemical and biochemical processes, by providing a means of monitoring the motion of atoms within a molecule in real time (1, 2). This new field of femtochemistry has enabled the study of important processes such as the dynamics of molecular wave packets and the biochemical basis of vision (3), as well as proton transfer across membranes.Progress in this area of research has been driven by the development of new ultrashort-pulse light sources, as well as the development of new experimental techniques. Recent work has made use of sources of ultrafast extreme-UV (EUV) (4), x-ray (5, 6), and electron pulses (7, 8) as probes of ultrafast molecular and materials dynamics. These new probes can directly provide atomic-scale spatial resolution (e.g., electron and x-ray diffraction) or site-specific local order (e.g., photoelectron spectroscopy), providing the potential to directly observe chemical reactions in atomic-level detail as they occur. These new tools promise to provide a powerful new window into the microscopic world, particularly as the temporal resolution and energy range of these sources continues to improve.One recent area of research motivated by these goals is the generation of ultrashort EUV light pulses through the process of high-order harmonic generation (HHG) (9). HHG pushes traditional nonlinear optics to an extreme, by coherently combining many laser photons together to generate coherent beams that span from the UV to the kiloelectronvolt (1 eV ϭ 1.602 ϫ 10 Ϫ19 J) region of the spectru...