In the quest of combining the advantages of excellent interface properties of thermal dry SiO2 and low temperature deposition of sputtered SiO2 a new type of oxide referred to as a "combination oxide" is proposed. These oxides were grown on both p-and n-type silicon substrates. High frequency C-V measurements indicate that these oxides have negative charges of a fixed type in nature at the interface of dry SiO2 and sputtered SiO2. Also, it is found that plasma environment created during sputter deposition of SiO2 on top of dry SiO., creates new interface states between midgap and valence bandedge in these oxides, but initial interface properties achieved by thermal dry SiO2 are retained qualitatively.) unless CC License in place (see abstract). address. Redistribution subject to ECS terms of use (see Downloaded on 2015-04-03 to IP