A point design has been developed for a 200-MW, high-temperature, gascooled test reactor. The point design concept uses standard prismatic blocks and 15.5% enriched uranium oxycarbide fuel. Reactor physics and thermal-hydraulics simulations have been performed to characterize the capabilities of the design. In addition to the technical data, overviews are provided on the technological readiness level, licensing approach, and costs. vi vii The HTGTR aligns with the NRC's definition of a Test Facility, as found in 10 CFR 50.2. Test reactors are one of the non-power reactors that the NRC licenses under the authority of Subsection 104c x of the Atomic Energy Act and issues "Class 104c" licenses. Congress directed the NRC to impose the minimum amount of regulation on Subsection 104(c) research reactor and test reactor licensees. In keeping with this direction, the NRC staff utilizes NUREG-1537 as the primary guidance for review of research reactors and test reactor technologies and license applications. DOE and NRC established a joint initiative in July 2013 to develop guidance for advanced reactor developers and other stakeholders on how the existing general design criteria reflected in 10 CFR 50, Appendix A, can be adapted to non-LWRs. A proposed set of general design criteria adaptations specific to modular HTGRs was developed by a DOE/national laboratory team and submitted to NRC for review in December 2014. A self-assessment has been performed on the HTGTR scoring against the DOE-developed criteria.