INTRODUCTIONSelf-assembly of block copolymer (BCP) thin films has been explored extensively as a strategy to make periodic nanostructures. 1À4 Because these nanoscale features can be formed reproducibly and at low-cost, there is tremendous interest in transferring such patterns to functional materials. In particular, BCP films are promising for microelectronics and data storage applications where highly dense and periodic nanoscale patterns are needed over a large area. 5À8 BCP films can self-organize to form nanostructures of various morphologies with tunable length scales. Furthermore, by guiding BCP self-assembly using surface topography, highly regular patterns can be generated over macroscopic area with low defect density. 9,10 Since BCP films with a single layer of laterally ordered domains have a thickness on the order of the domain size, they are generally too thin for transferring patterns into the underlying substrate using plasma etching. Because carbon-based polymer blocks erode quickly in a plasma, the masking BCP film is completely removed before features with significant depth can be transferred. For example, polystyrene-block-poly(methyl methacrylate) (PS-b-PMMA), one of the most widely studied BCPs (including in lithography experiments), has an overall poor etch resistance, and the etch contrast between the blocks is only about two. 11 As a result, the depth that can be etched is only on the order of the thickness of the film at best, which is tens of nanometers in most cases. Significant effort has been invested in developing BCPs containing etch-resistant blocks such as polystyrene-block-polydimethylsiloxane (PS-b-PDMS) 12,13 or polystyrene-block-poly(ferrocenylsilane) (PS-b-PFS), 14À17 but many of these BCPs have poor wetting properties or are difficult to remove after the etching process. The synthesis of these polymers can also be challenging. Furthermore, organometallic blocks (such as PFS) are undesirable for microelectronics manufacturing, a major potential application of BCPs, because the uncontrolled diffusion of metals in a semiconductor can degrade the performance of microelectronic devices.For the reasons stated above, a BCP that is easy to synthesize, applicable over large areas, and resistant to plasma etching remains elusive. To etch high aspect-ratio structures, a common scheme is to first transfer the BCP pattern to an intermediate hard mask layer that provides greater etch resistance. The insertion of a hard mask layer adds complexity and cost to the fabrication process due to complications from stress and adhesion as well as the risk of damaging the underlying substrate during deposition. The interfacial interaction between the hard mask and the BCP may also change dramatically how the BCP self-assembles. Furthermore, transferring the pattern with high fidelity into the hard mask layer still requires etch contrast between the polymer blocks. Consequently, strong etch contrast between the BCP blocks is highly desired, regardless of the overall pattern transfer scheme.In this ...