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Rod-Shaped Neural Units for Aligned 3D Neural Network ConnectionMidori Kato-Negishi, Hiroaki Onoe, Akane Ito, and Shoji Takeuchi* DOI: 10.1002/adhm.201700143 guidance [12,26] have also been developed as alternative means of controlling cell patterning with high cell density and/or aligned nerve fibers. However, coculturing different types of neural tissues is still difficult because culture conditions such as medium, growth factors, and extracellular matrix (ECM) differ according to the type of neural tissues. [27][28][29][30][31][32][33] Neurons also have the characteristic of axon overproduction and, consequently, axons extend over a wide area during early development. [34][35][36] Therefore, selective connectivity between specific, spatially separated neural tissues is technically difficult.This paper proposes neural tissue units with aligned nerve fibers, called "rodshaped neural units," that can connect spatially separate neural regions (Figure 1). To fabricate these units, we employ a meterlong microfiber-shaped neural tissue [22,23] as starting material, in which stem-cell-derived or primary neural cells are encapsulated and aligned within an alginate tubular hydrogel. This tissue is cut into millimeter-sized sections and, after further cell culturing, both edges of the sections bulge out and form spherical ends (Figure 1b). The proposed rod-shaped neural units have the following characteristics: (1) nerve fibers are aligned in the longitudinal direction of the rod, (2) each unit has an insulated region covered with a thin alginate hydrogel layer to prevent the encapsulated neural tissues from connecting to surrounding cells within the regions, and (3) the edges of the unit are connectable, with the spherical ends functioning as glue to connect with other neural tissues or units. In this study, we designed and fabricated the rod-shaped neural units and characterized their connectivity in terms of neuronal morphologies and network formation. In addition, we constructed a neural network from different types of neural tissues in different culture conditions, with connections to specific, spatially neural regions. Therefore, our neural units assembly can coculture different types of neural tissues with aligned nerve fibers that recapitulate the topological complexity of in vivo neural networks with high cell density and cell population.Rod-shaped neural units were prepared by cutting microfibershaped neural tissues, as reported previously. [22,23,37,38] We used three types of neural cells to fabricate microfiber-shaped neural tissues: primary mouse neural stem cells (mNSCs) dissected from the midbrain of mice (mNSC units), primary cortical cells (cortical units), and primary hippocampal cells (hippocampal units). To prepare the rod-shaped neural units in an accurate and reproducible manner, we developed a fiber-cutting device that can fix the microfiber-shaped neural tissues in a culture In the brain, 3D neural networks such as the hippoc...