same conditions neither 1,3-cyclooctadiene nor 1,3,5-cyclooctatriene can be converted in significant amounts into ( 6 ) , 1,3,6-cyclooctatriene on the other hand reacts smoothly to give this product; addition of the BuLi-reagent to (2) and (4) does occur and in the case of (2) bicyclo[3.3.0]oct-2-ene (8) is formed. This suggests that (1) and BuLi.TMEDA initially form ( 3 ) . which is transformed into ( 5 ) bv loss of LiH and TMEDA. Double metalation of ( 5 ) yields the intermediate (6).
ProcedureCompound (1) (12m1, 10.6g, 98mmol) is added to C6H5Nars1 (0.31 mol) in olefin-free pentane (1 50 ml) and TMEDA (95ml), and the mixture is stirred under reflux for 20 h. A slow current of dry O2 is then passed over the well stirred mixture at -5°C for ca. 24h. After filtrationr7] the solution is vacuum distilled, freed from TMEDA with S N HC1, neutralized, anddried. G C analysis reveals 1.5 % (163 mg, 1.5mmol) of (8) and 78.5 % (8 g, 76.9mmol) of (7), based on quantitatively consumed (1). The remainder of (1) is present as oligomerization product in the distillation residue.