Air Force Materiel Command
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REPORT DATE (DD-MM-YYYY)2 None Near-field plates and their potential uses were theoretically and experimentally investigated under this grant. Near-field plates are subwavelength-textured surfaces that can focus electromagnetic fields to deep subwavelength resolutions. Their operation was theoretically explained, design methodologies were formulated, and several prototypes developed at microwave frequencies. This research effort also included a second objective. The second objective was rather broad: to arbitrarily control electromagnetic fields within a 2D region of space using anisotropic and inhomogeneous metamaterials. This effort involved the development of circuit-based metamaterials that exhibit tensorial effective material parameters, and the implementation of electromagnetic devices using such metamaterials. It also involved the development of synthesis methods for anisotropic and inhomogeneous two dimentional (2D) metamaterials.metamaterials, metasurfaces, near-field plates, anisotropic and inhomogeneous materials.Anthony Grbic