This is a slight revision of some expository lecture notes written originally for a 5-hour minicourse on the intersection theory of punctured holomorphic curves and its applications in 3-dimensional contact topology, given by the author as part of the the LMS Short Course "Topology in Low Dimensions" at Durham University, August 26-30, 2013. The revision includes a new appendix that has been added for the benefit of researchers in search of a "quick reference" on the basic facts of Siefring's intersection theory.Intersection theory has played a prominent role in the study of closed symplectic 4manifolds since Gromov's paper [Gro85] on pseudoholomorphic curves, leading to a myriad of beautiful rigidity results that are either not accessible or not true in higher dimensions. In recent years, the highly nontrivial extension of this theory to the case of punctured holomorphic curves, due to Siefring [Sie08, Sie11], has led to similarly beautiful results about contact 3-manifolds and their symplectic fillings. These notes begin with an overview of the closed case and an easy application (McDuff's characterization of symplectic ruled surfaces), and then explain the essentials of Siefring's intersection theory and how to use it in the real world. As a sample application, we discuss the classification of symplectic fillings of planar contact manifolds via Lefschetz fibrations [Wen10b]. Prior knowledge of holomorphic curves may be helpful but is not assumed-the required definitions and most of the hard analytical results are stated as black boxes, so as to focus on topological rather than analytical issues.