In the 21st century, while individual media consumption shows radical changes, at the same time, watching practices are transforming from traditional to digital and over-watching motivations are also becoming evident. This change, especially observed in the consumption of TV series content, turns into a social status sign determined by social groups and becomes a notable place in the leisure practices of the middle class. The dramatic increase in Netflix's number of members in the last year also supports this social status phenomenon. In this context, the main purpose of this study is; not to make a middle-class definition, but to evaluate the change in television watching practice in terms of consumption and lifestyle as a middle-class leisure activity especially with the spread of digital technologies. The starting point of the research is the idea of making visible the change in the consumption habits of the social classes, similar to the efforts of the lowerclasses to present themselves differently by imitating the upper-classes within the framework of the concepts of Weber's social status and Bourdieu's class habitus. In this context, it is aimed to find out whether social groups are trying to differentiate from the programs produced in traditional media by experiencing their leisure activities through digital media platforms, and the processes of producing leisure activities through the digital media platform. In order to collect these data, in-depth interviews were conducted with 12 (twelve) people in the research. It was concluded that the participants negated traditional media consumption due to the intensity of their concerns about positioning themselves in the lower status group in the social status ranking and they evaluated themselves as belonging to the class they consider more qualified in terms of cultural capital.Bourdieu'nun yaşam tarzları ve kültürel beğeni düzeyi arasındaki ilişkiyi kültürel sermaye olarak teorize ettiği Ayrım'ın 1979 yılında Fransa'da yayımlanmasından sonra iletişim çalışmalarına da katkısı olmuştur. Toplumsal yaşam alanında farklı grupların kültürel tüketim pratiklerindeki ve beğeni düzeylerindeki farklılıkları alt, orta ve üst sınıfsal yapı çerçevesinde ayrımlayan çalışma, yaşam tarzlarındaki farklılıkları sınıf habitusu içinde değerlendirir. Bourdieu'ya göre habitus, farklı sınıfa ait bireylerin kültürel tüketim pratiklerini üreten ve aynı zamanda onları sınıflayan bir kavramdır. Öyle ki, sembolik çatışmanın alanı olarak betimlenen kültür, farklı beğeni düzeyleri için ürünlerin üretimi ile o ürünlerin tüketimi arasındaki ilişkide oluşur (Bourdieu, 2015, s.254). Özellikle siyasal ve ekonomik alanda tek kutuplu dünyaya