A Hubbard-band model is used for analyzing the low-temperature data of Hall-effect measurements on weakly compensated n-GaAs samples with donor concentrations N D less than 10 16 cm À3 . In the model, not only the bottom Hubbard band formed from the neutral donor states but also the top Hubbard band formed from the negatively charged donor states is taken into account. Nearest-neighbor hopping (NNH) or Efros-Shklovskii (ES) variablerange hopping (VRH) is assumed for conduction in the bottom Hubbard band, depending on N D , while NNH is assumed for conduction in the top Hubbard band. For the sample with N D ¼ 1.3 Â 10 15 cm À3 , it is shown that the Hall mobility is dominated by NNH in the top Hubbard band in the temperature range of 4-15 K while it is dominated by NNH in the bottom Hubbard band below 3 K. For this sample, it is also shown that the absolute value of the Hall coefficient is dominated by the contribution from the top Hubbard band around its peak at 4.4 K. For the samples with N D in the range of 2.7-9 Â 10 15 cm À3 , on the other hand, it is shown that there hardly exists the temperature range in which the conduction in the top Hubbard band dominates.