“…Hospitality and Tourism General Review Dann et al (1988) ATR, JLR 1974-1986 Subject matter, Nature of research, Statistical technique Chon et al (1989) CHRQ, HERJ, IJHM, FIU 1967-1986 Author type, Nature of research, Subject matter Reid & Andereck (1989) ATR, JTR, TM 1978-1987 Tourism attractions Blum (1996) HRJ 1989 Organizational trends Hu (1996) JTTM 1992 Tourism marketing Eccles & Costa (1996) ATR, TM, TTA 1989 Tourism development Prabhu (1996) CHRQ 1990 Challenges for hospitality operators Teare (1996) IJCHM, IJHM, IJSIM, SIJ 1989 Hospitality operating patterns Bowen (1996) FIU 1989 Hospitality environmental changes Crouch & Ritchie (1998) NA 1976-1997 Meeting site-selection process Carlsen (1999) NA 1988-1998 Meeting management Pandit & Parks (2000) HRJ, CHRQ, JTR 1970-1997 Lodging marketing former focuses on identifying general trends of methodological use and research areas over the years studied. Studies in this category usually provide specific numbers (frequencies and percentages) in the crosstabulation analysis format, comparing research and statistical orientations of each participating journal based on those numbers.…”