and b IRS, Postbus 32, NL-4600 AA Bergen op Zoom, the Netherlands; and c BBRO, Innovation Centre, Norwich Research Park, Colney Lane, Norwich NR4 7GJ, UKRhizomania, one of the most devastating diseases in sugar beet production, is caused by Beet necrotic yellow vein virus (BNYVV) and transmitted by Polymyxa betae. Previously, disease control was possible by cultivation of sugar beet hybrids carrying a major resistance gene Rz1, which restricts virus accumulation in taproots and suppresses symptom development. Over the last few years, BNYVV strains with four RNA components have arisen, which are able to overcome Rz1-mediated resistance. All strains described so far possess an A67V amino acid exchange within the RNA3-encoded P25 pathogenicity factor. In this study, BNYVV was isolated from Rz1 plants, collected in the United Kingdom, the Netherlands and Germany, displaying patches of strong rhizomania symptoms. Sequencing of the coat protein and P25 gene of three isolates showed 100% nucleotide sequence identity and detected AYPR as the P25 tetrad amino acid composition. The ability of this strain to accumulate to higher levels in young plants of Rz1 resistant but not in Rz1 + Rz2 resistant genotypes was initially demonstrated in a greenhouse assay in natural field soil from the Netherlands. This strain was loaded into a virus-free P. betae population and compared to reference strains. The AYPR strain retained its resistance-breaking ability in the Rz1 genotypes and displayed replication at a higher rate compared to the Rz1-resistance-breaking P type. The strain origin is unclear and it remains speculative whether the occurrence at different geographic locations is the result of independent selection or displacement of infested soil.