Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) is one of the grain legumes more interesting for its nutritional value and genetic improvement in order to resistance to Aschochyta rabiei, seeds weight and adaptation to mechanical harvesting. The aim of this research was the agronomic and qualitative characterization of 15 cultivars of chickpea. During the cultural cycle resistance and sensitiveness to Aschochyta rabiei were analyzed. At harvesting, grain yield and yields components were registered. Moreover, proximate composition, fatty acids content and saturated/unsaturated ratio of grain samples were determined. Cultivars with high 1000 seeds weight showed a more favourable oleic acid content and unsaturated/saturated ratio but those with smooth seeds had a higher content in linolenic acid. All cultivars showed high values of polyunsaturated fatty acids (42.9-56.2%), inferior of monounsaturated (29.5-36.1%) and low of saturated (10.0-22.9%). Black chickpea (2.9) had the lowest unsaturated/saturated ratio, while the highest was noticed for cv. Visir (7.46). Cultivars with small and smooth seeds showed a better proteins content. These results showed availability of seeds with favourable characteristics useful for different utilization. In particular, the cultivars with small and smooth seeds, usually not preferred by consumers, seem to be interesting for processing in nutritional foods and dietetics.Keywords: Cicer arietinum, dietetics, fatty acids, grain yield, nutritional value, proximate composition, GC/MS.
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