1. When host quality varies, optimal foraging theory assumes that parasitic wasps select hosts in a manner that increases their individual ®tness. In koinobiont parasitoids, where the hosts continue developing for a certain period of time after parasitisation, host selection may not re¯ect current host quality but may be based on an assessment of future growth rates and resources available for the developing larvae.2. When presented with hosts of uniform quality, the koinobiont parasitoid Leptomastix dactylopii exhibits a characteristic host-selection behaviour: some hosts are accepted for oviposition on ®rst encounter, while others are rejected several times before an egg is laid in them, a behaviour that is commonly associated with a changing host acceptance threshold during the course of a foraging bout.3. The ®tness of the offspring that emerged from hosts accepted immediately upon encounter was compared with the ®tness of offspring emerged from hosts rejected several times before being accepted for oviposition.4. The pattern of host acceptance and rejection was not related to any of the measured ®tness parameters of the offspring emerging from these hosts (development time, size at emergence, sex ratio at emergence, and female offspring egg load).5. While complex post facto adaptive explanations can be devised to explain the nature of such a time and energy consuming host selection process, it is suggested that physiological constraints on egg production or oviposition may provide an alternative, purely mechanistic, explanation for the results obtained.