In this study, the effect of problem-based learning on students' problem-solving selfefficacy through the Blackboard system was investigated. The students' perception of the implementation of problem-based learning into higher education and discussion through blackboard was also investigated. The participants of the study were 31 students in higher education, studying in the Curriculum and Instruction Department at Umm Al-Qura University. It is a quasi-experimental study, designed with a single group, pre-test, and post-test design. An open-ended questionnaire was used to investigate in-depth the students' perception. Both quantitative and qualitative data were obtained. The finding of the study reveals that there is a significant relationship between the pre-and-post-tests of the problem-based self-efficacy measurement scale. Further, the participants perceived advantages of using problem-based learning into their knowledge as well as into their learning and social skills. They reported that the Blackboard system had many benefits to complete the problem-solving activities. However, many students reported challenges in the implementation of problem-based learning as well as there were difficulties in using the blackboard system to achieve the raised problems. Contribution/Originality: This study is one of very few studies which have investigated both Problem-based Learning and Problem-solving self-efficacy in higher education. The study uses a new formula of implementing problem-solving strategy into the Blackboard system to find out its effect of students' problem-solving self-efficacy. 1. INTRODUCTION The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of problem-based learning (PBL) on students' problemsolving self-efficacy and to find out their perceptions of the advantages and challenges of implementing PBL into learning through the Blackboard (BB) system. Problem-solving is a cognitive process in which knowledge and different skills such as searching, analyzing, discussing, and evaluating work together to identify the problem and resolve the issue (Udeani & Adeyemo, 2011; Wang & Chiew, 2010). Since the higher education system has higher academic standard, it requires students to use different strategies to achieve their learning efficiently. In PBL, higher education students are given responsibility for their learning, so it encourages independence in learning. Thus, the implementation of PBL in higher education would help in improving students' learning and reaching to the higher standards. Instructors in the University are trying to find methods or models to help students improve their learning efficiency. Learners in higher education need to apply theoretical learning in practice. Previous researchers (Gross