In [1] some interesting ideas are developed how skew distributions such as power law, log-normal, and Weibull distributions emerge in general evolving systems and what makes the difference between them. However, we have found several problematic points in this consideration.First, one has to note that the starting equation (1) in [1] is the usual master equation for a set of stochastic variables (sizes) x 1 , x 2 , . . . x N , which is meaningful for a fixed N . Nevertheless, it is used in [1] to derive equations for a system with exponentially growing total number of elements N according to dN/dt = rN . Therefore, the derivation of the basic equation ( 7) in [1] is not selfconsistent at r = 0. Namely, it is straightforward to verify that eqs. (1) to ( 5) in [1] can be consistent with each other only at a constant N . Performing the summation over all x 1 , x 2 , . . . x N in (1), we obtain the total probability conservation law d dt x1,x2,...xN P (x 1 , x 2 , . . . x N ; t) = 0, so that x1,x2,...xN P (x 1 , x 2 , . . . x N ; t) = const. Besides, the constant here is 1, according to the usual normalization. The integration over all x in (2) then leads to the conservation of the norm f (x, t)dx of the distribution function f (x, t), and the integration in (3) to the conservation of the Nf norm. Using these properties, we see that only the term (dN/dt) f (x, t)dx remains in (4) after the integration over x, implying that dN/dt ≡ 0, i.e., N is constant. Similarly, the integration over x in (5) yields r = 0.Despite this problem, we have found that an equation, which is similar to that one obtained in [1], can be derived in a correct way. In the following, we will show how it