Although the Islamophobia concept evokes religious connotations, it also has historical and ideological dimensions. There's a polarization since the first Christianity-Islamic encounter. Orientalism is critically essential in the imagination of the Eastern/Islamic World. US Cinema, for years, symbolizes East/Islam in an Orientalist way. However, as a result of what happened in the 20th century, it's passed from Orientalism to Islamophobia. Especially since 9/11, Islam is new other. Herein, Hollywood acts as an ideological device. With this period, Islamophobic elements such as Islamic terrorism are added to Hollywood products; thus, Islamophobia is reproduced. In this context, the study will focus on Islamophobia in Hollywood Cinema after 9/11, and three selected films will be analyzed with structural analysis in the context of visual-auditory codes-/narrative codes. In the study, the film Black Hawk Down (Scott, 2001) is examined because Islam is shown as an enemy for the first time after 9/11. The movie The Hurt Locker (Bigelow, 2008) has been selected because it incites the idea that all Muslims may be terrorists. The film Lone Survivor (Berg, 2013) is analyzed for creating the perception that there are almost no good Muslims.