This paper presents fi ndings from an exploratory study of students who completed an international exchange programme at an Australian university. Through the use of the push-pull typology and a structured questionnaire, the student motivations and factors in their selection of a university exchange programme are explored. Results indicate that students' desire to travel and the opportunity for fun and excitement are the primary motivators for undertaking an educational exchange, along with the host country's weather, natural environment and tourist attractions. Factors that infl uence selection of a host university are outlined, as well as students' levels of satisfaction with the experience. Keywords: exchange students; destination choice; tourism; satisfaction.
INTRODUCTIONO ver the last decade, student mobility has gained increasing has gained increasing attention from academics and policy-makers as the number of students moving around the globe has grown dramatically. Indeed, it has been estimated that students may constitute as much as 20% of all international travellers, making student travel a multibillion dollar business (Chadee and Cutter, 1996;Babin and Kim, 2001;Richards and Wilson, 2004). While undertaking this travel, students also contribute signifi cantly to the economy of their host country (Babin and Kim, 2001;Ritchie, 2003;Altbach, 2004;Tremblay, 2005).Universities are under increasing pressure to become more internationally oriented and to provide their students with a global experience so that they are able to compete in a 'growing worldwide labour market for highly skilled personnel ' (Altbach and Teichler, 2001, p. 5). Students also recognise the need to gain experience beyond their national borders so that they might develop linguistic, cultural and social competencies that will make them more prepared for the global job market (Chieffo, 2000;Altbach, 2004;Daly and Barker, 2005;Tremblay, 2005). Student mobility programmes, such as an educational exchange, are seen as an effective means for a student to develop international skills (Daly and Barker, 2005). In an increasingly competitive global education marketplace, there are a vast array of international destinations and universities from which to choose. It is therefore important for a university to understand what motivates students to undertake an educational exchange, as well as the factors they consider important in their selection of an exchange programme. A greater understanding of these factors will enable host countries and universities to attract more exchange students. This paper will examine the experience of students who participated in the international exchange programme at an Australian university. Through the use of the 'push-pull' typology (Dann, 1977;Lee et al., 2002;Mazzarol and Soutar, 2002), student motivations to undertake an education exchange are investigated, together with the factors that led them to select a particular exchange programme.
LITERATURE REVIEWUniversity educational exchange programmes, faci...