This article shows the importance of source/drain extension dopant species on the performance of embedded silicon-germanium strained silicon on insulator p-metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor (MOSFET) devices, in which the activation was done using only high temperature ultrafast annealing technologies. BF2 and boron were investigated as source/drain extension dopant species. In contrast to unstrained silicon p-MOSFETs, boron source/drain extension implantations enhance device performance significantly compared to devices with BF2 source/drain extension implantations. Measurements show a 30% mobility enhancement and lower external resistance for the devices with boron source/drain extension implantations. The reason for this lies in the amorphization nature of BF2 implantations. Remaining defects after implant annealing affect the stress transfer from the embedded silicon-germanium and the overall hole mobility which leads to the observed performance degradation. Furthermore, TCAD simulations reveal that the mobility degradation with BF2 source/drain extension implantations is equivalent to almost 36% strain relaxation of the embedded silicon-germanium.