Abstract. Overburden loading activities use Liebherr 9200 with actual production of 721.43 BCM/hour while the production target is 800 BCM/hour, transportation uses Komatsu HD 785 with 720.56 BCM/hour while the production target is 800 BCM/hour, and fuel ratio the actual is 0.28 liters/BCM while the target fuel ratio is 0.20 liters/BCM. The purpose of this study is to determine the condition of the road geometry, the production of mechanical devices, the average fuel consumption, and the value of the fuel ratio. The road geometry analysis is guided by the AASHTO (American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials) theory by observing the width of the road in straight conditions, the width of the road in bend conditions, and the slope of the road which is 12%, in addition, data on fuel consumption, circulation time, holding time, filling factor, and expansion factor. The road geometry in the study area is the width of the road in straight conditions for segments A-B, C-D, D-E, E-F, F-G, and I-J while the road width for bends in segments A-B, D-E, F-G, H-I, J-K, and M-N, the slope of the road in the F-G segment i.e. 14.22% is still not in accordance with AASHTO standards so it needs to be repaired. The production of transportation equipment repairs was 980.48 BCM/hour, so that the production target was achieved. The average fuel consumption for loading equipment is 51.2 liters/hour. The fuel ratio value after repair was obtained at 0.20 liters/BCM.
Abstrak. Kegiatan pemuatan overburden mengunakan Liebherr 9200 dengan produksi aktual sebesar 721,43 BCM/jam sedangkan target produksi sebesar 800 BCM/jam, pengangkutan menggunakan Komatsu HD 785 dengan sebesar 720,56 BCM/jam sedangkan target produksi sebesar 800 BCM/jam, dan fuel ratio aktual 0,28 liter/BCM sedangkan target fuel ratio sebesar 0,20 liter/BCM. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu mengetahui kondisi geometri jalan, produksi alat mekanis, rata-rata konsumsi bahan bakar, dan nilai fuel ratio. Analisis geometri jalan berpedoman pada teori AASHTO (American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials) dengan mengamati lebar jalan pada kondisi lurus, lebar jalan pada kondisi tikungan, dan kemiringan jalan yaitu sebesar 12%, selain itu diperlukan data konsumsi bahan bakar, waktu edar, waktu hambatan, faktor pengisian, dan faktor pengembangan. Geometri jalan pada daerah penelitian seperti pada lebar jalan pada kondisi lurus segmen A-B, C-D, D-E, E-F, F-G, dan I-J sedangkan lebar jalan pada kondisi tikungan segmen A-B, D-E, F-G, H-I, J-K, dan M-N, kemiringan jalan pada segmen F-G yaitu 14,22% masih belum sesuai dengan standar AASHTO sehingga perlu dilakukanya perbaikan. Produksi perbaikan alat pengangkutan sebesar 980,48 BCM/jam, sehingga target produksi tercapai. Rata-rata konsumsi bahan bakar alat pemuatan yaitu sebesar yaitu sebesar 51,2 liter/jam. Nilai fuel ratio setelah perbaikan didapatkan sebesar 0,20 liter/BCM.