Being arrested is a highly emotional event and can result in a fatal, adrenergically supercharged physiological state. 1 The exertion of arrest-related struggle is several-fold greater than that seen with normal exercise and leads to numerous extreme metabolic and electrolytic derangements, including elevated levels of lactate, CO 2 , potassium, creatine kinase, and myoglobin.2 Only 1.6% of US law-enforcement interactions involve the use or threats of force, and annually there are ≈700 000 cases in which force is used or threatened.3 There are ≈700 arrest-related deaths per year in the United States, yielding a mortality rate of ≈1 in 1000 for a law-enforcement interaction associated with force.
Response by Zipes on p 100The electronic control device (ECD) has gained widespread acceptance as the force option for law enforcement because of its dramatic reduction in both suspect and officer injury. At the same time, advocacy groups post statements on the Internet listing the hundreds of arrest-related deaths after ECD use with the implication that the ECD involvement was causal. Studies covering a total of >48 000 forceful arrests have consistently found suspect injury rate reductions of ≈65%.5,6 Of the 250 000 annual ECD field uses in the United States, only 1 in 4000 is involved in an arrest-related death. This reduction in fatality rate is consistent with published data showing that 5.4% of ECD uses "clearly prevented the use of lethal force by police."
7Of the >3 million total ECD applications, there have been 12 published case reports suggesting a potential cardiac arrest link, giving an incidence of 4×10 −6 per application. [8][9][10][11][12][13] In most cases, those authors did not consider important factors that are now better understood. These include separating postural from cardiovascular collapse, the latency of electrically induced ventricular fibrillation (VF), the presence of significant cardiac pathology, failure of prompt defibrillation, the duration of documented breathing, the distance of the ECD electrode from the heart, and the stability of electrically induced VF. We have thoroughly investigated these cases as either TASER scientific advisors or expert witnesses. The goal of this article is to resolve the confusion about these cases by introducing more complete data and by using a consistent case-report scoring methodology.
Understanding the Confounders
Postural Versus Cardiovascular CollapseIn the normal course of life, an exertional postural collapse is, correctly, often associated with a cardiac arrest. However, it is sometimes forgotten that the ECD design goal is to cause a postural collapse to stop aggression. A sternal rub response is often blunted by the presence of alcohol, illegal drugs, psychotic break, and endorphins from the struggle. Hence, nonresponsiveness is also more difficult to evaluate in the law-enforcement scenario.(Circulation. 2014;129:93-100)