Bipedal robots are prime examples of complex cyber-physical systems (CPS). They exhibit many of the features that make the design and verification of CPS so difficult: hybrid dynamics, large continuous dynamics in each mode (e.g., 10 or more state variables), and nontrivial specifications involving nonlinear constraints on the state variables. In this paper, we propose a two-step approach to formally synthesize controllers for bipedal robots so as to enforce specifications by design and thereby generate physically realizable stable walking. In the first step, we design outputs and classical controllers driving these outputs to zero. The resulting controlled system evolves on a lower dimensional manifold and is described by the hybrid zero dynamics governing the remaining degrees of freedom. In the second step, we construct an abstraction of the hybrid zero dynamics that is used to synthesize a controller enforcing the desired specifications to be satisfied on the full order model. Our two step approach is a systematic way to mitigate the curse of dimensionality that hampers the applicability of formal synthesis techniques to complex CPS. Our results are illustrated with simulations showing how the synthesized controller enforces all the desired specifications and offers improved performance with respect to a classical controller. The practical relevance of the results is illustrated experimentally on the bipedal robot AMBER 3. High-level motion primitives were used on MABEL to allow walking over rough ground without tripping. While tools for automatic low-level control algorithm synthesis are well developed, at the state machine level, all tuning was done by hand for lack of appropriate tools. "Probable correctness" was established through extensive simulation and experiments.