“…In steroid-resis tant nephrotic syndrome the frequency of the three HLA alleles, HLA-B8, DR3 and DR7 in combination was sig nificantly increased [7], The steroid-sensitive group was associated with HLA-DR3, DR7 and HLA-B8, DR3 and the highest relative risk was with the combination of HLA-B8, DR3 and DR7. The frequency of HLA associa tion in both groups was reduced when the age of onset was over 8 years [7], Walker et al [1] described 7 patients from 3 families with focal glomerulosclerosis and noted an increase in HLA-A1 (35%) which failed to reach significance when compared to the Caucasian population (30%). The occur rence of the nephrotic syndrome and focal glomeruloscle rosis in HLA-identical Afro-American dizygous twins lends further evidence to a genetic basis for the disease in which both twins share the tissue type HLA-A2, w31, Bw42, Cw2 and DRw3, w5 [2], Two other siblings with different HLA haplotypes were unaffected [2],…”