Responsibility is needed in life. On the other hand, entering the era of globalization, there is a phenomenon of the decline of the student's character. The aim of the study was to determine the effectiveness of the TPSR model in increasing the student's responsibility. The study was a quasi-experimental research with Control Group Pre-test-Post-test design. The research population were the eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 1 Lembang chosen through a purposive sampling technique. The study involved 76 students from two classes who were divided into experimental group and control group. Data collection techniques included observation by using TARE (Tools of Assessing Responsibility-based Education) Wright (2008) and documentation. The data were analysed through independent sample t-test and mann-whitney u-test. The results showed that there was a difference in the effectiveness of the TPSR model compared to conventional model in increasing the student's responsibility in pencak silat learning with t-count-6.732, significance of 0.000. The average post-test score of the experimental group was 77.500, while the average of the control group score was 59.843. The experimental group gain was 0.6247, while the control group gain was 0.2803. Thus, the TPSR model is needed in increasing the student's responsibility.