However, soccer players' awareness is deficient as to the causes and risk factors of injuries, the use of cool down after training and competition, stretching and flexibility, and strength and conditioning. Injury prevention strategies and/ or policies were not regularly implemented. Prevention strategies like warm up, use of protections, water and carbohydrate intake were sufficiently performed during competition than during training whereas cool down and stretching exercises were performed more in training than in competition.
Page | iiiTeam coaches, medical personnel and media were identified to be the most important sources of information for players, coaches and leaders respectively. The reported reasons for not implementing injury prevention strategies include lack of proper equipment and advice on techniques, lack of enough time and tiredness after competition. Conclusion: Interventions directed to the soccer community members in the form of health promotion programmes through education to increase their knowledge and support for the proper implementation of all prevention strategies are necessary. Clubs should develop, implement and monitor a comprehensive sport safety plan paying particular attention to the development and implementation of policies which involve all issues at training and at competition.