Abstract. Changes in salinity affect the metabolic rate of the sympagic amphipod Onisimus glacialis collected from the Barents Sea in 1986 and 1988. When transferred from 35 to 5 ppt S, oxygen consumption and ammonia excretion both increase three-fold during the first 5 h of exposure, and they remain high throughout the rest of the experimental period (26 h). During 24-h acclimation to various salinities (5 to 45 ppt), the amphipods exhibit a respiratory and excretory response to hyper-and hypoosmotic stress; however, a rather constant O:N atomic ratio (around 15) was obtained at the experimental salinities, indicating protein/lipids as metabolic substrate. Both rates of oxygen consumption and ammonia excretion increased with an increasing osmotic difference (0 to 650 mOsm) between the haemolymph and the environmental medium, indicating higher energy requirements for osmotic and ionic regulation at low salinities. In amphipods abruptly transferred from 35 to 5 ppt, a minor decrease of the haemolymph sodium concentrations together with an increased ammonia excretion output indicate a counter-ion regulation of NH~ and Na + during hyposmotic stress.