Brush-like poly{4-[4-(hexyloxy)phenyl]ethynylphenyl methacrylate}s are synthesized using RAFT polymerization, fractionated and studied by molecular hydrodynamic methods. The values of the velocity sedimentation coeffi cient, the frictional ratio, and the intrinsic viscosity are obtained in toluene. The conformational and structural parameters of the studied poly mer chains are estimated by the use of theories that describe the hydrodynamic behavior of the wormlike cylinders without intra-chain excluded volume effects and the hydrodynamic behavior of bending rods. The intrinsic viscosity data obtained for poly{4-[4-(hexyloxy)phenyl]ethynylphenyl methacrylate}s and for other brush-like macromolecules are discussed in terms of a doubly-normalized scaling plot. erties of a common polymer, poly{4-[4-(hexyloxy)phenyl] ethynylphenyl methacrylate}s (PHPhEPhMs) were synthesized. The aim of this work is the investigation of the hydrodynamic, molecular and conformational characteristics of a PHPhEPhM homologous series in toluene solutions and the comparison to the hydrodynamic data obtained for various brush-like polymers on the base of the concept of normalized scaling relations. In the Supporting Information to this article, the graphic materials for handling the initial experimental data are summarized.
Experimental Section
Materials and MethodsAll chemicals used were purchased from Biosolve, Fluka, Aldrich, Acros Organics, as well as Alfa Aesar and were used without further purifi cation unless otherwise specifi ed. The solvents were purchased from Biosolve, Aldrich, or Acros Organics and were dried and distilled according to standard procedures. The synthesis of the monomer 4-[4-(hexyloxy)phenyl]ethynylphenyl methacrylate is described elsewhere. [ 48 ] Macromol. Chem. Phys. 2012, 213, 904−916