Ap hotosensitizer based on ar utheniumc omplex of ab isamide-polypyridyl ligand gives rise to al arge improvement in photocatalytic stability,r ate of activity,a nd efficiency in photocatalytic H 2 production compared to [Ru(bpy) 3 ] 2 + (bpy = 2,2'-bpyridine). The bisamide ruthenium polypyridyl complex combined with ac obaltoxime-based photocatalyst was found to be highly efficient under blue-light (turnover number (TON) = 7800) and green-light irradiation (TON = 7200) whereas [Ru(bpy) 3 ] 2 + wass ignificantly less effective with aT ON of 2600 and 1100, respectively.T he greatest improvement was under red-light-emitting diodes, with bisamide ruthenium polypyridyl complexa nd cobaltoxime exhibiting aT ON of 4200c ompared to [Ru(bpy) 3 ] 2 + and cobaltoxime at aTON of only 71.The future well being of our societyr elies on innovative research to produce clean sourceso fe nergy.W ith global warming on the rise, new alternatives to fossil fuels are needed, and of the severalo ptions available, the inexhaustible powero ft he sun is one of the most convenientc lean energy sources. [1] Molecular artificial photosynthesis presents ap romising avenue for the conversion and storage of solar energy in chemical bonds as found in hydrogen gas. [2,3] Molecularp hotocatalytic systemsf or the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER), half of the water splitting process, are mainly composed of ap hotosensitizer (PS), ac atalyst, and as acrificial electron donor.I nt he last decadeo fp hotocatalytic research,I r III , [4] Re I , [5] and Pt II[6] were tested to improvet he overall performance of the HER. In the case of PS made of d 6 metal complexes,m any researchers utilize the archetypical [Ru(bpy) 3 ] 2 + (bpy = 2,2'-bpyridine) complex due to its lower cost and highera bundance of Ru compared to other transition-metal complexes. [7] To benefit from the availability of Ru-based PSs, however,s ome of its properties should be modified;f or exampole, its absorption maximum at 450 nm should be shifted to longerw avelengths to take advantage of the tailing of the solar spectrum through the visible and near-IR regions. [7a, 8] Among earth-abundantH ER catalysts, new advances with Co catalysts [9] are particularly attractive compared to their Pt, [10] Pd, [11] and Rh [12] analogs. Cobaltoximes are among the most studied molecular catalysts forH 2 production in electrocatalysis and photocatalysis. [4c, 6a, 7d, 9b-d, 13] For an efficient photocatalytic system,t he PS and the catalyst must be in close proximity for efficient electron transfer;m any assemblies exist that are covalently linked or connected by pendantp yridine (py) on the PS, which coordinates the catalysts. [4b,c,l, 8a, 14] Indeed, the better the electron transfer, the lesser is the probability of PS decompositioni nduced by ligand dissociation; [15] for example, the multi-metallic center-based supramolecular assembly Ru-Co 6 has better efficiencyt han the dissociated [Ru(bpy) ] Charge-separated states and electronic transfer rates were also investigated through hydr...