The oxygen reduction kinetics was investigated at dense ͑La 0.85 Sr 0.15 ͒ 0.9 MnO 3 ͑LSM͒-yttria-stabilized zirconia ͑YSZ͒ composite electrodes as a function of YSZ content of 20-40 wt % by using the potentiostatic current transient ͑PCT͒ technique combined with ac-impedance spectroscopy. From the discrete Fourier transformation analysis of impedance spectra, the individual reaction steps were successfully differentiated and the distribution of relaxation time for ion migration was quantitatively estimated for oxygen ion migration as well. The cathodic PCTs were characterized by decay and buildup transients, which corresponded to the oxygen reduction current at the three-phase boundaries ͑TPBs͒ I TPB and the current at the LSM surface I V o •• superimposed on the steady-state current at the TPBs I TPB st , respectively. As the YSZ content increased, the equilibrium exchange flux at the LSM surface j o decreased and the difference between the steady-state currents at the TPBs and at the LSM surface ⌬I st increased in absolute value. These results strongly indicate that when the YSZ content increases, the contribution of the facile ion migration to j o is suppressed by the prevailing contribution of the sluggish charge transfer reaction at the LSM surface and oxygen reduction at the TPBs predominantly contributes to the overall oxygen reduction than that reduction at the extended active sites.During the solid oxide fuel cell ͑SOFC͒ operation, the overall losses are mainly controlled by the cathodic oxygen reduction reaction ͑ORR͒. 1,2 In this respect, among the various cathode materials that can be used in the SOFC, the ͑La 1−x Sr x ͒ 1−y MnO 3 ͑LSM͒-yttriastabilized zirconia ͑YSZ͒ composite electrodes have been studied extensively and have been used commercially as well, because the three-phase boundaries ͑TPBs͒ are three-dimensionally extended to the electrode beyond the electrode/electrolyte interface. [3][4][5][6][7] Because the YSZ particle of this composite electrode provides the ionic pathway necessary for oxygen reduction and increases the length of TPBs, the kinetics of oxygen reduction is significantly influenced by the YSZ content. Furthermore, due to the distribution of particle connectivity, the YSZ content is expected to affect the resistance-capacitance ͑RC͒ time constant distribution for oxygen ion migration through the composite electrode. 8,9 Thus, the YSZ content in the composite electrode is a significant parameter in the oxygen reduction kinetics.For the case of cathode materials composed of LSM, it is generally reported 10-13 that during a large cathodic polarization, the LSM phase undergoes the partial reduction of Mn 3+ to Mn 2+ , leading to the formation of oxygen vacancies at the TPBs. These oxygen vacancies participate in the ORR, and thus, the performance of the electrode is improved effectively during the cathodic polarization. Much attention 12,14-16 has been paid to the improvement of cathodic performance by the activation processes under cathodic polarization only for the pure LSM e...