“…The basin covers 10% of the Nile basin and produces approximately 60% of the water that reaches Egypt and Sudan (Roth et al 2018). Approximately 55.94% of the Upper Blue Nile basin is covered by agricultural land, 18.04% by closed forest, 14.5% by mixed forest, 6.12% by shrubs, and the rest 5.4% by other land-use classes (Takele et al 2021). Soil types in the basin include eutric nitosols (30%), eutric cambisols (24%), humic cambisols (16%), cambic arenosols (14%), dystric cambisols (5%), eutric regosols (3%), water bodies (2), eutric fluvisols (2), chromic vertisols (2%), pellic vertisols (1%), and orthic acrisols (1%).…”