mineral deposition is a critical problem that hinders the
daily production of oil and gas fields. Chemical removal of these
scales, based on the scale type, is common. In this paper, borax and
diethylene tremaine penta acetic (DTPA) acid-based formulations are
used for the removal of sulfides, carbonates, and sulfate scales.
In particular, the dissolution rates of sulfide (pyrite, pyrrhotite,
and galena), sulfate (celestite and barite), and carbonate (calcite)
scales were investigated in a rotating disc apparatus at typical well
conditions. Scanning electron microscopy–energy-dispersive
X-ray and X-ray diffraction analyses were performed for characterizing
scale composition and type. The effect of temperature, scale type,
and formulation on the dissolution rate is studied. Even though borax
formulation has been developed for the sulfide scale removal, it showed
a high dissolution rate for the carbonate scale (7.23 × 10–7 mol·L–1·s–1·cm–2). For the sulfide scale, the highest
dissolution in borax formulation was obtained with galena (lead sulfide,
PbS), followed by pyrrhotite, and the lowest dissolution was reported
for pyrite (1.55 × 10–8 mol·L–1·s–1·cm–2). Borax formulation
was found to be inefficient in the removal of sulfate scales with
a dissolution rate lower than carbonate and sulfide scales by 3 and
2 orders of magnitude, respectively. Similarly, DTPA-based formulation
has yielded the highest dissolution for the carbonate scale (7.98
× 10–6 mol·L–1·s–1·cm–2). However, for sulfate,
DTPA-based formulation showed better performance than borax. The increase
in temperature leads to an increase in the dissolution rate for almost
all types of scales; however, DTPA-based formulation showed improved
performance with temperature. Both formulations are efficient in removing
sulfate- and sulfide-rich scales. The experimental results of DTPA
have been validated by density functional theory calculations of binding
energies between DTPA and metal ions present in the mixed scale.