Due to the lack of specific collisional data, the abundance of NS+ in cold dense interstellar clouds was determinedusing collisional rate coefficients of CS as substitute. To better understand the chemistry of sulfur in the interstellarmedium, further abundance modeling using the actual NS+ collisional rate coefficients are needed. For this purpose,we have computed the first full 4D potential energy surface of the NS+−H2 van der Waals complex using the explicitly correlated coupled cluster approach with single, double, and non-iterative triple excitation in conjunction withthe augmented-correlation consistent-polarized valence triple zeta basis set. The potential energy surface exhibitsa global minimum of 848.24 cm−1 for a planar configuration of the complex. The long-range interaction energy, described using multipolar moments, is sensitive to the orientation of H2 up to radial distances of ∼ 50 a0. From thisnew interaction potential, we derived excitation cross sections, induced by collision with ortho- and para-H2, for the15 low-lying rotational levels of NS+ using the quantum mechanical close-coupling approach. By thermally averagingthese data, we determined downward rate coefficients for temperatures up to 50 K. By comparing them with the previous NS+−H2 data, we demonstrated that reduced dimensional approaches are not suited for this system. In addition,we found that the CS collisional data underestimate ours results by up to an order of magnitude. The differences clearlyindicate that the abundance of NS+, in cold dense clouds retrieved from observational spectra, must be reassessed usingthese new collisional rate coefficients.