Time-resolved resonance Raman spectroscopy has been used to study the reduction of dioxygen by the mitochondrial enzyme, cytochrome oxidase. In agreement with earlier reports, indicates that the peroxy species we detect occurs upon proton uptake from bulk solution; whether this species bridges to CUB remains uncertain. For the ferryl, v(Fe4W+O) is at 790 cm-'. In our time-resolved spectra, the 358 cm-' mode appears prior to the 790 cm-' vibration. By using kinetic parameters deduced from the time-resolved Raman work and from a variety of time-resolved optical studies from other laboratories, we have assigned rate constants to several steps in the linear reaction sequence proposed by G. T. Babcock and M. Wikstrom [(1992) Nature (London) 356, 301-309]. Simulations of this kinetic scheme provide insight into the temporal behavior of key intermediates in the 02 reduction process. A striking aspect of the reaction time course is that rapid 02-binding and trapping chemistry is followed by a progressive slowing down of succeeding steps in the process, which allows the various transient species to build up to concentrations sufficient for their detection by our time-resolved techniques. Our analysis indicates that this behavior reflects a mechanism in which conditions that allow efficient dioxygen bond cleavage are not inherent to the active site but are only established as the reaction proceeds. This catalytic strategy provides an effective means by which to couple the free energy available in late intermediates in the reduction reaction to the proton-pumping function of the enzyme.Cytochrome c oxidase couples the one-electron oxidation of cytochrome c to the four-electron reduction of molecular oxygen and links these electron transfers to proton translocation across the inner mitochondrial membrane (for reviews, see refs. 1-5). The mammalian enzyme contains four redox-active metal centers, two heme a-bound irons and two copper ions. One of the two copper centers, CUA, is the site of ferrous cytochrome c oxidation (6, 7). Electron injection is followed by rapid equilibration of the reducing equivalents between CUA and the low-spin heme center, cytochrome a (2, 8, 9). The latter species serves as the electron-queueing point for controlled electron transfer to the binuclear cytochrome a3/CuB site, where the dioxygen reduction reaction takes place. The regulated electron transfer from cytochrome a forms part of the basis for a model in which events in the binuclear center drive proton translocation (5).Due to the unusual ligand-binding kinetic properties of its binuclear center, cytochrome oxidase is unique among oxygen-activating heme proteins in being susceptible to a detailed kinetic analysis of its reaction with dioxygen. The Gibson-Greenwood flow-flash technique was originally developed for this purpose (10), and the method has since been adapted to a variety of spectroscopic techniques (11-15). Of these, the resonance Raman approach provides considerable structural insight, and it has been applied extens...