Sum m ary:Staphylo coccus aureus protein A (SPA) bound to af® nity colum n m atrixes has been used for extracorp oreal imm unoadsorp tion for the treatm ent of hum an autoim m une and neoplastic diseases. SPA is a bacterial im munoglobu lin binding factor (IBF) that binds to the Fc region of antibody. T he mechanism (s) of action of protein A im munoadsor ption is not know n. However, protein A im munoadsorpt ion and system ic injection of SPA have dem onstrated sim ilar anti-neo6 -plastic and anti-retro viral responses in anim als. Cellular Fc receptor (FcR) im munity and hum oral IBF status are often abnorm al in autoim munity, cancer, and AIDS. T he im munothera peutic activity of protein A im munoadsor ption m ay be produced by SPA leaching off colum ns and acting as a soluble FcR-like IBF, capable of in¯uencing FcR dependent im munity. If this is the case then system ic SPA therapy may provide a sim pler, safer, and more predicabl e mode of immunotherapy than imm unoadsorp tion. K ey W ord s: extracorp oreal, Fc receptor, imm unoglobuli n binding factor, Staphyloc occus aureus protein A.Extraco rporeal im m unotherapy with protein A containin g bacteria was ® rst used by Bansal et al. in 1978 [1] to treat canin e and human breast adenocarcinom a. Since that tim e S ynder et al. [2], Term an et al. [3], M esserschm idt et al. [4], Kinet [5], and others [6] have continu ed investigati on of the anti-neo plastic activ ity of protein A im m unoadsorption . Despite the prelim inary clinica l success for treatin g som e autoimm une and neoplastic diseases [6] such as breast adenocarcin om a, Kaposi' s sarco m a, and refractory rheumatoid arth ritis [7], S PA colum n treatm ent of autoim m une thrombocytopenic purpura (IT PP) is the only use approved by United States Food and Drug Adm inistrat ion [6,8]. Num erous clin ical param eters such as circulating im m une