ABSTRACT. I ce shelves may develop either by continued thickening of sea ice tha t is held fast to the shore, or by the seaward extension of inla nd ice. For both p rocesses, as well as for an understanding of ablation and of accumula t ion a t the bottom surface of ice shelves, we n eed to understand melting and freezing processes in relation to salinity, temperature, and pressure. Consideration of these factors shows that b asal m elting beneath the thicker p a rts of ice shelves is much greater tha n is generally apprecia ted . This could b e sufficient to bring the estimated mass balance of Antarctica into a pproximate equilibrium. It appears that most Antarctic ice shelves are dependent on the supply of inla nd ice for their continued existence. However the thick layer of sea ice b eneath the Am ery I ce Shelf is readily explained in terms of sub-ice water circula tion.T ransport of h eat a nd mass by water m otion beneath ice shelves has the potential to change ice thicknesses by similar amounts to that caused by internal deformatio n of the ice shelf. Bottom freezing due to thermal conduction througho ut the ice shelf is of minor importa n ce.While attentio n is drawn to the basic equations for fl ow of ice shelves, it is pointed out that they have yet to be applied satisfacto rily to the problem of iceberg calving. This appears from field observations to be due primarily to creep fa ilure of spreading ice shelves, possibly a ided by impact from floating icebergs. R ecent observations show the effectiveness a nd likely quantitative importance of this " big bang" theory of iceberg for mation in Anta rctica.A brief discussio n of the effects of climatic change on the disintegration of ice shelves is presented . R ESUME. Formation, ecoulement et disp arition des platiformes de glace. Les pla teformes de glace p euvent se d evelopper soit p a r epaississement continu de la glace d e m er qui se soude solidement au rivage ou par I'extension vers la m er de la glace recou vra nt une ile. Pour les d eux processus comme pour l'intelligen ce de I'ablation et de I'accumulation a la face inferieure de la b a nquise, nous devons comprendre les m ecanismes lia nt la fusion et le regel a la salinite, a la temperature et a la pression. Des considerations sur l'action de ces facteurs montrent que la fusion a la base sous les parties les plus epaisses de la couverture de glace est b eaucoup plus importa nte qu' o n ne la pensait. Ce phenomene pourra it suffire a faire p asser I'estimation du bila n de masse de l'Anta rctique a un equilibre approximatif. Il semble que la plus gra nd e partie des plateformes de glace Antarctique d ep end pour lui p ermettre de subsister d e \'a pport de la glace continentale. Cep endant I'epaisse couche d e glace de mer sous le Amery I ce Shelf p eut facilement s'expliquer par une circula tion d'eau sous la glace.Les transpor ts d e cha leur et de m asse p ar mouvement d e I'eau sous les pla teformes de glace sont capables de modifier \' ep a isseur de glace da ns les m emes proportio n s q...