Citrus are cultivated in a vast area worldwide and many countries grow it. Citrus fruits are delicious and everybody can eat it easily so many farmers like to grow them because of the good market. This plant has many diseases that induce various kinds of agents like fungi, bacteria, nematodes, and viruses. In this chapter, we discussed some citrus viral diseases that are very important and dangerous for fields. First, the Citrus Tristeza virus is explained that exists around the world. After that, you will know about other viruses like the Citrus psorosis virus. Viroids are another agent that causes diseases and reduces the amount of production. You learn some of them in this chapter like Hop stunt viroid, Citrus exocortis viroid, etc. The significant point of knowing citrus viral diseases is in the management of diseases. The control of viral diseases is difficult because there are no poisons or combinations to remove viruses from infected plants. If farmers or experts know about symptoms that cause viruses or viroids, they can report it to the related office and do some work to control it and it is important to the agriculture industry.