“…Single-site catalysts have been prepared by the reaction of an organometallic compound (or a coordination compound) with a very clean surface of highly dehydroxylated metal oxide (e.g., silica). Recently, we have identified surface organometallic fragments (SOMF) (e.g., M=C, M-C, M-H, M-NC, M=O, M=CR 2 , andM=NR ) that have a pivotal role toward targeted catalysis reactivity (e.g., alkane oxidation 1,2,3 , alkane metathesis 4,5 , alkene metathesis 6 , imine metathesis 7,8,9 ). [M]=NR fragments have received less attention; their characterization and reactivity studies remain limited, yet they can act as an intermediate in carbon-nitrogen transformation reactions 10 .…”