ABSTRACT… Objectives: To study the impact of "High Dependency Unit" care on outcome of surgical patients. Study Design: Descriptive, Prospective. Setting: Surgical Department of Aziz Bhatti Shaheed (Teaching) Hospital. Nawaz Sharif medical College, University of the Gujrat. Study Period: January 1 st to December 31th 2016. Results: A total of 275 patients of all age groups from surgical and allied specialities requiring dedicated continues monitoring were admitted in High Dependency Unit (HDU) of the surgical department. Out of 275 patients 165 were admitted through emergency room after some surgical operation, whereas 115 patients are from those who were electively operated and shifted in HDU for management and monitoring due to some anaesthesia related complications or comorbidities. Conclusion: The High Dependency Unit care promotes efficient and effective care by increasing the flexibility of patient triage, utilizing resources efficiently, and providing cost effective timely care to serious surgical patient admitted in surgical wards.
Key words:Intensive Care, Postop Care, Recovery, Critical Illness, HDU Mortality. Article Citation: Jahan S, Aziz S, Ateeq M, Asif M. High dependency unit; impact of care on outcome of surgical patients an experience of surgical unit of district teaching hospital