Artificial intelligence, in a larger sense, refers to computers that have human intelligence-specific capabilities such as obtaining information, perceiving, seeing, thinking, and making decisions. At first glance, artificial intelligence, often known as "Artificial Intelligence" (AI) in the literature, causes everyone to associate something distinct. According to researches, the concept of artificial intelligence evokes an electro-mechanical robot replacing human beings, but everyone involved in this field is aware that there is a definite difference between human beings and machines. The aim of this article is to show the importance of using AI in today’s HR practices. In this context, one of the qualitative research designs, phenomenological research, was deemed 1appropriate for the thesis study. Because phenomenology establishes a framework for exploring subjects that aren't utterly unfamiliar but whose meaning isn't quite clear.AI-based HR apps have the ability to boost employee productivity while also assisting HR personnel in becoming educated advisers who can boost employee performance. AI-enabled HR solutions are capable of evaluating, predicting, diagnosing, and locating more powerful and capable employees.