A method for creation of ultracold molecules by stepwise adiabatic passage from the Feshbach state to the fundamentally ground state using an optical frequency comb is presented within a semiclassical multilevel model. The sine modulation of the spectral phase of the comb leads to a creation of a quasi-dark dressed state. An insignificant population of the excited state manifold in this dark state provides an efficient way of mitigating decoherence in the system. In contrast, the cosine modulation does not lead to the quasi-dark state formation. The results demonstrate the importance of the parity of the spectral chirp in quantum control. Quantum control of ultracold molecules is an exciting new field that has developed in response to recent progress in the formation and manipulation of ultracold molecules. This progress has enabled the preparation of ultracold systems with internal degrees of freedom and exhibiting long-range dipole-dipole interactions [1]. A search for methods to create ultracold molecules nevertheless continues in order to provide viable substitutes to well established control scheme of stimulated Raman adiabatic passage (STIRAP) [2-4]. A crucial factor of efficient control is the ability to mitigate decoherence. Decoherence is inherently present in ultracold dynamics and reveals itself in quantum measurements. A study of decoherence is of particular importance for the development of methods to manipulate ultracold atomic and molecular gases and to control open quantum systems. At ultracold temperatures, decoherence acquires new features while occurs in matter systems free from thermal motion. Under these conditions, the dephasing due to collisions is no longer a limiting factor, as opposed to room temperatures [5, 6]. In this letter, we propose a quantum control method for preparation of molecules in an ultracold state using two-photon Raman transitions from the Feshbach state, induced by a spectrally modulated ultrafast pulse train. This method