The main drive of this study remained toward investigate the influence of self-awareness life skills on leadership
effectiveness in the certain enterprises in the Kathmandu in the digital era and also associated socio-demographic
variables on leadership effectiveness. The study included a quantitative research design and convenience sampling
techniques. 429 managers/leaders from particular enterprises in the Kathmandu participated in the survey. The identities
of the chosen enterprises weren't publicly disclosed, though. Self-awareness is measured by the Cronbach Alpha at.747,
while leadership effectiveness is measured at.801. A content validity test and a factor analysis test were also carried out,
with the results recommending a research study. Descriptive analysis and regression analysis were applied to test the
hypothesis. The study found that life-skill self-awareness and leadership effectiveness in the digital age were
impacted. Agreeing to the regression model, the R-value is.477, the R-square is.227, and the adjusted R-square value
is.226. A positive correlation between successful leadership and people's age, marital status, experience, and leadership
training was discovered to be significant. Enterprise authority should be developed with a culture of self-awareness skills
in order to increase empowerment, engagement, and enthusiasm at work. Evidence suggests that it can be developed.
Key words: Self- Awareness, Life Skill, Leadership, Digital Er