Placental/umbilical cord blood (CB) contains nucleated cells and hematopoietic stem/ progenitor cells (CD34 + cells). However it is difficult to predict the number of nucleated/ CD34 + cells in each CB before cell processing. Despite many previous studies from institutes affiliated with CB banks in metropolitan areas, little information is available regarding the characteristics of CB units from other medical facilities. The purpose of the present study was to analyze the maternal/neonatal factors on the yield of cells in CB units. A total of 176 CB units were obtained from single-birth and normal vaginal deliveries. Mononuclear low-density (LD) cells were separated using Ficoll-Paque within 24 hrs after CB collection and then processed for the purification of CD34 + cells. A multiple linear regression analysis was performed to assess the correlations between the yield of cells and maternal/neonatal factors including maternal age, gravid status, duration of labor, gestational age, neonatal height and weight, cord length, and meconium in the amniotic fluid. The total LD cells per CB unit had a weak positive correlation with the maternal age of primigravidae. The total LD cells per CB unit from the primigravidae aged 25 were significantly higher than those from the primigravidae aged 24. The total CD34 + cells per CB unit from the 1-gravidae were significantly higher than those from the 2-gravidae and 3-gravidae, respectively among all donors. These results indicate that the CB units from the primigravidae aged 25 are more likely to contain higher yield of LD/CD34 + cells. cord blood; mononuclear cells; CD34 + cells; maternal/neonatal factors.Tohoku